Friday, February 8, 2008


My week so far in a recap solely for my benefit:

Monday- Wake up, get dressed, decide to skip class. Instead, I hang out all day on the computer until my mom and I go to the 99 Cent Store, Target, my grandma's, and the library. Then we try to figure out her dad's super cool old camera, but it needs a battery. I get dinner and try to go to bed early with no success.

Tuesday- I wake up at four-thirty after five hours of sleep. I get ready and leave for my polling place assignment. At first I am unsure about having volunteered, but quickly I get excited to be a part of everything. The day goes by quickly as we stay pretty busy, which I am glad for. A lot of people come out to vote. I arrive home a little after nine and watch the rest of House after talking to my mom . Despite wanting to stay awake, I conk out pretty fast.

Wednesday- I wake up for school at 6:30 and my brain and body both say no way. I sleep in until nine-thirty and just go to archery. I score a 26 baseline and then a 34. Afterwards I work with my friend in bio on our lab assignment. On the way home I stop at the mini mart and buy some Monsters and Diet Coke for my mom. Then I come home, write up my lab assignment, and go to my ed class, where I am overwhelmed by information. I also decide to take the CBEST in April. I come home, eat a frozen pizza, and go to bed around one.

Thursday- I wake up at eight and get ready for my appointment with the Gateways to Teaching fieldwork coordinator. After finally finding a parking spot, I rush up the campus, only to get there before she does as she is at a meeting. I don't wait long and am placed with a teacher at Rancho High. I drop of my pops assignment, finally buy the book, and come home. After recharging with a Monster, I head out the library to get a CBEST book, only to find them all checked out. I go to Barnes & Noble and buy one instead. I also get my bowling shirt, some new socks, and some gas. Fianlly I come home and start planning for important dates. Then I go to work early to work as 09, then lobby until 8, take a half hour meal, and come back to finish with 09.

Now I am home listening to some new tunes and looking back at how busy I have been lately. It feels good, and for the first time, I feel like I have direction and a goal. Life is good.

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