Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Don't you just love it when other people blame their problems on you? They did something wrong, you caught them, and now they're pissed at you. This is why I love the show Parking Wars on A&E. The people of the PPA who are the main players in the show are just doing a job and making a living like everyone else in the world. Someone parks wrong or has outstanding tickets, but it's never their fault. The signs weren't clear or the computer is wrong. The best part is seriously when someone owns up and says, "You know, this sucks, but it's my fault, and I realize that. " I don't live in a city where this is too much of a problem, but I respect these people nonetheless. Just today I parked in a wrong spot while I ran inside the high school I will be doing fieldwork at. If I had gotten in trouble, I would have been mad, yes, but it was my fault.

Anyway, the people who get pissed make me laugh. What happened to personal responsibility in this country? If your kid kills himself, it was the bands the video games. If I get a ticket for running a light or parking in the wrong spot, the singnage wasn't clear. You are responsible for your actions and for looking after the people you care about, especially your children. Start owning up, you jerks.

End rant.

Side note: You know what's really good? Well, actually there's two things. This new creamer from International Delight called Marshmallow Mocha. Also, Cholula hot sauce. I bought it last night and am already a third of the way through the bottle. Random, I know.

I'm done.

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