Friday, January 25, 2008

Dreams (The Poem)

They say go to school
They tell us to study
They give us standardized tests
Like we were all the same student
They tell us we need to grow up
That we need to put away the toys
Our fantasies are only that
We rebel, we ditch school
We try bad things
And then we are punished
But none of it matters
We graduate, go to college or get a job
We learn a trade or we do nothing
We peddle around trying to find ourselves
I want to say that they are wrong
That there is truth, there is hope
But I would be lying
They are right
Dreams are for dreamers
But dreamers get nowhere
Society demands a job, money, family, status
Yet I cannot crush anyone else's dream
For my own brought me friends, light
And the boy who would be most special to me
Dreams may mean nothing
But hold onto them as long as you can
That is the advice I can give
Even if it doesn't mean much

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