Wednesday, January 9, 2008

5 Random Things

1. I have liked politics since I was nine at least. I watched the 1996 presidential election with my dad and rooted for Clinton though that was partly because of what my parents believed. That school year we had a crash course in government because of the election, and it intrigued me right away. My political science teacher even said I should come over to their side when I told him I was studying biology.

2. I was born three weeks early thus making me a Gemini instead of a Cancer. My grandma was visiting my cousin Dan who was born three months earlier in Massachusetts, and she told my mom to wait for her to come home or have me on her birthday, which was June 8. I was born 6/8/86 around two in the afternoon so at least she got one thing she asked for. My other grandma was born June 10. Geminis are fun people, too (as if being a girl wasn't a good enough excuse to have mood swings).

3. I've hit my head very forcefully at least five times, one of those giving me a concussion. So far there's no recognizable damage, even the one time where my friend hit me hard with a wooden stick directly to the right side of my head. I looked up from reading and simply asked, "Did you just hit me?" I've never broken a bone, but I have a tendency to get scars, including a burn from boiling hot coffee pot water, stitches when I was a year, and a deep cut from my "safety" cutter at work. But I'm not that much of a klutz, I promise.

4. I took a SCUBA class in my tenth grade year, but the pool gave me an ear infection. The doctor wouldn't let me get back in the pool, and because I missed a day without a note, I got a C. This pool also turned my hair green and gave me a bruise just because I didn't dive right. (Stupid water. Apparently everyone said, "Oooh!" when I hit the surface. It hurt.) I haven't been swimming since 2002.

5. When I was six I played with this program called Storybook Weaver on our old PC. I learned how to run DOS to load it and everything. Since then I have been writing in some form. I may not have put words down, but I was always thinking about why I laid each scene out the way I did on the game. I even had one of my short stories submitted by my seventh grade teacher to a contest. That same year is also when I originally fell in love with science, more so biology.

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