Friday, January 11, 2008

You do what you love and screw the rest

Quote from Dwayne in Little Miss Sunshine:

"You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. School, then college, then work... Fuck that. And fuck the Air Force Academy. If I want to fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest."

I rewatched that movie the other night, and when he said this to his uncle, it really hit me. That is so true, every part of it (except the air force, at least for me). Screw everyone else and everything else. If you like it, if it makes you happy, do it. Don't let anything get in the way. They don't matter. Being happy matters. Doing what you love to do, feeling good, it means more than some stupid beauty contest.

That is all I have to say. I love to write about my characters, and I don't care if anyone reads it or it ever gets published. I like it. It makes me happy, just like the thought of being a teacher makes me want to say screw it all and just go for it. Maybe I really am motivated this time around.

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