Friday, April 17, 2009


Just a quick little thought I remembered right now.

I woke up this morning feeling kind of down (no money for stuff as usual...I spent all of my tax return on stuff or loaned it to my mom). For a moment I thought about school. I dropped all of my classes and changed my major. But was it the right choice? I love biology so much. I can't adequately put into words how much I do. But I just can't handle the extra crap needed to major in it. Calculus, organic chem, and college physics. I know all of that is important, but for me, I just do not care. I like biology, ecology, earth science, and stuff like that.

It was fleeting, but still. Did I make the right call? I hope so. I was going to look into seeing what a minor in bio would entail. Maybe if it doesn't require so much extra non bio stuff I'll do that.

But gods how I adore life science.

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