Thursday, April 23, 2009

My latest creation

The beginning of my newest story that came to me one day during chem lecture. The only thing I miss about that class is the free time to write and brainstorm ^_^

Birds, singing sweetly, watched the world from their spots in the blooming cherry blossom trees. Morning was dawning again peaceful as ever in the quiet rural area of Okayama. Spring was in the air, and all of the animals nearby were acting as such. As the warming sunlight started hitting the royal log guardians, they started off their day the same as always from their post as watch trees for the Masaki household.
“Looks like it’s going to be another beautiful day,” the one with red markings, Kamidake, said hopefully.
“That it does,” his companion Azaka agreed simply. Of course, their peace was very soon interrupted by sounds from the home they were guarding. Since they were used to this, neither felt too ruffled by it. In fact, it helped add to the effect that the day was in fact beginning anew. Life here on Earth sure was different from that on planet Jurai, but that is part of the charm this place had on everyone. Of course, the charm of a certain Earth boy was stronger hence the reason for the return of all of the girls after the defeat of the imposter Kagato.
For a brief period of time, the boy had been alone the way he had been before the infamous space pirate showed up. Like a magnet, he attracted all of the strange alien females back to him, even the one who was most concerned with her career and promotion. Soon enough they faced an even bigger threat-his mother was the target of an A-Class criminal in the past. The gang was forced to go to 1970 and save not only her and Tenchi but themselves as well. Their history was now so entangled with his their entire present and future would be altered further than anyone of them would wish. Luckily that all turned out for the best, and the six girls and the one brought them together continued to live out the new version of normal. Despite it all, every single one was happy, even Kiyone who would complain about her partner nine times out of then when her name was mentioned.
Inside the Masaki residence, Tenchi was trying his hardest to evade detection on this Wednesday morning. His school had just started on their spring time break, leaving him stuck at home every second of the day with his gaggle of female suitors. Thankfully only two of them were really persistent. He imagined it could be much worse if Mihoshi and even Kiyone had the hots for him the way the princess and pirate did. Heck, even Sasami would more than he would want to handle. She was half his age anyway and would need to spend some time growing up before he would ever begin to see her as anything other than a little sister. The genius rogue scientist who only looked like a little girl could tease him enough, but she seemed more absorbed in her work than anything. She was also mostly forgiving if he was the one to enter her lab without permission. It seemed only he and Sasami could really get away with that. Kiyone probably would be in the clear as well, but she rarely had the time since she had to hold down a part time job and keep her duties of a Galaxy Police officer along with keeping her partner from getting them fired. Mihoshi seemed to better at that than finding any bad guys.
The young Masaki boy ducked down the stairs as quietly as he could, not wanting to alert Ayeka or Ryoko to his exact location. Sometimes he swore he got more exercise running away from them than he got training with his grandfather. He also had to concede that it was because of his training that he was able to hide so well. Their loud arguing over who got to sit next to him at breakfast could be heard upstairs clear as day, and he took the opportunity to use his good standing with Washu to duck into and hide in her lab. The door shut quietly and quickly behind him, and he took a moment to breathe before venturing any further into the vastness that was her other dimensional work place. The red head was quite amazing, he had to admit. She could do practically anything with her intellect and skills, including destroying the universe. Hence she was kicked out of the Academy not more than a month after being inducted and swearing to use her inventions for the pursuit of peace. Like all things too good to be true, this lasted not very long.
When the coast seemed to be clear enough, he took a few steps forward, somewhat hoping to find her. With no school to worry about attending for a few weeks, his homework load was almost nothing. His only distractions were training and the girls. At this point he needed a distraction from his distractions. A strange tank on his left caught his attention for it held some unknown creature definitely not from Earth. The small brown blobs floated freely, but their tank seemed too small for them. Tenchi, though, had never been a fan of keeping animals contained. He hated the zoo when he was kid. Of course, maybe that was partially influenced by the time he went with his mom and dad and an elephant stole his favorite hat right off his head, taunting him by dangling it above the three-year old with its trunk.
“I see the Mass have you interested, Tenchi,” a small voice startled him from behind. Spinning around, he saw the one he was looking for.
“Little Washu,” he started uneasily. She must have thought he was odd the way he was staring. She only stared thoughtfully at the animals.
“Don’t worry. I have no intention of keeping these guys here forever. I was planning on moving them when I finished my latest invention.”
“Your latest invention?”
“Yes. I decided to take a break from building all-powerful galaxy destroying rays and focus on something more useful.” After that, she began to walk, probably heading back to her current project. He followed silently, curious as to what it was. Even she had a changed a little bit if she was making things that would actually be of help instead of threatening life across the stars. The large contraption made him stop dead in his tracks, memories of their time and space adventures flooding his mind. Her laugh echoed through the lab and destroyed that train of thought. “Don’t worry, Tenchi. This thing will be idiot proof when it’s done. Even Mihoshi couldn’t mess it up.”
“So what is it then?” he asked as he moved closer for inspection. In the center was a platform of sorts where one would stand. Above it looked like those transporter things from that American TV show Star Trek, and the machine branched out from there.
“This is an interdimensional transporter. It has the capability to transfer anyone into another dimension of their choosing.”
“But Washu, don’t you remember what happened last time we took a trip through dimensions?” he asked, alarm very clear on his face and in his voice.
“I already told you not to worry, didn’t I?” A keyboard popped up, and she began to type away. “Whoever uses this won’t have to worry about endlessly drifting though dimensions. It will latch onto their brain wave pattern and be able to bring them back no problem.”
“That sounds pretty neat, Little Washu.” Next thing he knew, her Washu dolls A and B were upon he shoulders, agreeing with him and cheering her on. All he could was sweatdrop.
“Just think, Tenchi. It isn’t enough to be able to explore this dimension and know everything there is to know here. Imagine what else could be out there existing parallel to our sense of reality. The possibilities are endless.” With a thoughtful expression, he let her words play in his mind as he studied her project.
“Tenchi, are you in here?” the voice of the space pirate suddenly echoed louder than the short one’s laugh. His expression dropped to one of horror.

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