Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just when you think the world can't get any stupider...

...it does.

So who's worried about the swine flu? I'm not really because all you can do is try and stay healthy and watch for any symptoms if you get any. Go see the doctor if you're worried enough, and don't go to Mexico. Pay attention to what's going on locally.

But! The conservatives are now trying to blame this on Mexicans crossing the border into the US illegally. Um...but wasn't it a group of Catholic schoolgirls who went there on vacation who brought it to NYC and caused the outbreak there? Yes. Yes, it was. Some audio clips I heard from real people (scary) saying these things:

It's a form of biological warfare
It's terrorism
The government is giving its citizens this illness and sending them across the border

Nowhere did they mention that it has come from tourists who went to Mexico and came back with the virus. It's apparently popped up in Scotland now. 'Cause those Mexicans are crossing the Atlantic to get into Europe. They're using this as a scare tactic against illegals. Now while I am in support of stricter border control and believe that ALL illegal immigrants regardless of country of origin need to be sent home so they can come here the legal way, this is still wrong. All it will do is freak people out more, which is too easy these days. It will promote racism as if we didn't have enough already. The conservatives who say these lies aloud are morons. They are being irresponsible and misrepresenting the facts.

No wonder Arlen Specter decided to leave the party.

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