Thursday, March 13, 2008


So...yeah. I've been sick since December with on/off cough, and last Thursday I thought I was getting a cold again. Then it got worse, and when I actually went in, it turned out to maybe be pneumonia. He didn't do any x-rays but just said there was fluid in my right lung. Then I got a five-day dose of antibiotics which are helping, but I still cough, have stuffy nose, and an occasional headache. Periodically my ears will stuff up, and I can't hear well. I worked in the beer cooler tonight, and I was coughing after that. I'm supposed to go to bio tomorrow, and we're going out to Day Canyon. I'm not sure I'll go and will wait to see in the morning. My pants came in the mail on time and everything, and I have that sun hat. I'm all set, but I don't think I'm physically ready for that since I haven't really been able to get much rest between school and work. I need the hours and couldn't call in sick, and I've already missed too many classes and can't afford anymore.

And! I can't do the Copernicus internship at UCR because I have to take summer school. I need Physics 5 so I can take the college physics sequence this next year. The last week of school is the first week of the internship. I am so bummed about this. :O(

But this is cool. It's how my antibiotics are working right now. "Azithromycin prevents bacteria from growing by interfering with their protein synthesis. Azithromycin binds to the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome, and thus inhibits translation of mRNA." - Wikipedia

Best part: I understand it completely. :O)

"I only want to do some good
Too dumb to know if I could
And I just wanna feel the days I'm in."

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