Monday, March 3, 2008

My Truth and Thoughts

Humans are arguably the most advanced animal on this planet in terms of cognitive awareness. We are the only creatures who look in the mirror, see ourselves, and realize this. We have this thing called self-awareness that other animals do not. Yet we are still animals. Richard Dawkins said, “The main purpose of all biological life is to make copies of itself.” That is what DNA does, that is what single-cell bacteria do, that is what goldfish do, that is what humans do. Because of that “higher level” we all think we have in terms of perception and thought, this is much too simple for most to handle. If I had been raised differently, then I may be inclined in that school of thought. Even in the middle of the HR phase, that would have been such a simple answer. We crave more. We want a higher truth to exist because we have this need for it. In fact, that is what religion does, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. We also attach feelings of love to the main purpose. Many animals care for their offspring but not to the extent that we do. After all of the hard work to make a copy of yourself, you’d be sure to watch it and nurture it. At least, the female in the species has that need. This is not to say that males are not capable of this because that is not true. However, biologically speaking, males in most species are programmed to go out and make as many babies as possible. Monogamy is rare within the animal kingdom. I propose that our higher level of reasoning and thinking has led us to develop what we deem morals and emotions. Even still, all of that is relative at best. What I perceive as right someone else may just as easily condemn, which is unfortunate. This leads to misunderstanding, fear, hatred, and violence. We are the only animals who kill just because. Something as simple as skin color divides us when all it really means is your ancestors came from a certain part of the world. Skin color is an adaptation, and the variants were favored by natural selection depending on the climate and proximity to the equator. The ability to think makes us separate ourselves into categories based on things such as these. It also has allowed us to advance our technology, including the way we heal people. Natural selection is a main device in evolution. The traits that work best in an environment among a population are favored and become more frequent. They are passed on to following generations because the parents were able to survive and make babies. However, with our leaps forward, we have interfered with this process. The gene pool does not get to purge itself, and what we have going on is a lot of artificial stuff. Survival of the fittest does not mean as much for humans. Because of this, we are taking over the planet, using up its resources, and probably exceeding or coming close to mother Earth’s carrying capacity for us. Some argue the planet has combated worse, and we may very well cause our own demise. The planet will heal and come up with something else. This does not mean that I am advocating killing sick, disabled, and old people. Those moral instilled in me prevent me from thinking that is a viable option, even if makes sense from a biological standpoint. What we need to do is find harmony with the environment and the other animals and plants living here. And yes, bacteria count. They are not only beneficial but vital to all life. Put that Purell away and let your kids build up immunities. If they cannot, this is only making the survival thing worse. I do not want to see any child suffering, but there comes a point when a parent, especially in this country lately, is going overboard. Despite having this higher ability to think and make sense of things, so many do not look past the present, let alone what we are leaving future generations of all life. This is why I say forget what afterlife there might not even be. We need to make this place the best it can be for everyone now and later on. I don’t care what or how many gods you believe in as long as this is still important. If they watch what is going on at all, then they would reward more so the people who think and act on this. I am not a religious or superstitous person, but even I could subscribe to that

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