Friday, March 21, 2008

In My Memory

Things I remember from when I was younger.

Watching Pokemon and looking for Ash and Misty hints
The Pokemon soundtrack
Hey Dude
Legends of the Hidden Temple
Reading Ash and Misty romance fics
Taking that leap off the step with Jon
The Secret World of Alex Mack
Playing States on the giant map in fifth grade
That zoo game I made up that my whole class played
The swings
Spice Girls
Pretending to hate Digimon because it was ripping off Pokemon
Speed Wars at lunch in ninth grade
Drying a giant piece of paper with blow dryers in second year Latin
Sidestepping a bus on the way to school and amazing my friends
Making paper in my seventh grade science elective class
Blink 182
That guy Peter in my 10th grade science class who I had a big crush on
Trun of Flunks
9 lbs of tortilla chips for the Roman Banquet 12th grade
Being part of Honor Guard for the 2003 Senior graduation
Silent Ball
Weird Al
The Now! music series
Thinking pupa was funny (it means doll in Latin)
Zelda Gaiden
Being stuck with assigned the reproductive system in NS II
Complimented with a few others by my English III teacher while she gave the class a lecture in responsibility and how she was disappointed with us
Drunk scootering
Walking home after piano class the day before Thanksgiving and playing with my old Nokia
Ms. Serdan watching me play a song and giving me an A on the spot

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