Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year in Review: Personal

-start as a junior majoring in anthropology at UCR
-go to Disnelyand with one of my supervisors, Lynne

-Sprained knee on the day of my first final
-first UC research paper due (90/100)
-get the Droid phone along with Mom

-finish first year at UCR (ended with honors: A, A, A-, A-)
-start summer school; make a new friend (Jill); start using my scooter again
-sell my Droid
-pass the CBEST

-join night crew temporarily while in school as someone else is on leave
-visit Hsi Lai Buddhist temple
-get straight As

-vacation (hiking, clean room, get back into Pokemon)
-Pokemon Red: death and rebirth

-start fall 2010 quarter at UCR (first full year)
-make a new friend (Angela)

-renewed Pokemon obsession
-Halloween as a Pokemon trainer
-field trip for bio to Solana Beach; see lots of inverts in the tide pools

-register for winter quarter
-apply to go back to Chaffey
-invited to join Golden Key International Honour Society
-gain school pride finally

-new plot for Lost in Hyrule/GS Distress series'
-register at Chaffey
-visit Dampe, Windrows, park
-finish anthropology subfield upper division requirements
-play lots of Pokemon Red
-spend Christmas Eve with Lynne and her family

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