Saturday, June 27, 2009


Coming home last night from work was strange. It's only a thirteen mile drive down the freeway, but there were six cars broken down on the side of the road. I've never seen so many all in one night. It isn't a very important fact, but I thought it odd. I saw one tonight almost right away and thought, "Here we go again." Luckily it was the only one.

It feels good to be back to work after vacation. Again, weird. Who wants to come back to work? Me, I guess. It was nice to be off for almost two weeks and to only worry about going to class for four days and not rushing to and from work. It was relaxing, but I was getting bored, too. At least I started writing in my story again, and I found the rest of my video games, which were packed away when we moved. Of course, now that I found them, I don't feel like playing anymore. Always the way, huh? I'd rather be writing in my story. I started it and finished the hand written version around Christmas 2001. I was a sophomore so the quality compared to how I write now was less than stellar. That's why I'm glad I waited to type it up and revise it. It's way more adult and better written than when I was a kid. The original had too many stupid jokes and exclamation points, and the characterization wasn't real. I made the main character really annoying and less likable than a supporting character, which was not my intent.

Well, that's all for now.

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