Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things that annoy me but shouldn't

1. People using the term "theory" when referring to an idea in science. The correct term is hypothesis: hypo=below and thesis=theory. An idea below a theory, folks. This simple mistake is why a lot of people say, "Well, evolution is only a theory." WRONG.

2. When someone says that some biological process or body part has a "purpose." No, it has a function. Totally different.

3. When someone changes lanes and cuts in front of me without signaling.

4. People who merge onto the freeway at 50 mph.

5. People who bitch about being caught for doing something wrong. Don't do it in the first place and avoid the whole deal.

6. People who beg for reviews on a fanfiction or threaten readers with no updates. Total turn off, IMO.

7. People who are too easily offended thus wanting to infringe on other people's free speech just so they feel better.

I could go on and on.

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