Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Personal Timeline, part two

1992: I make my first best friend (Nancy Wu). I also have public bathroom issues and have an accident that got me sent to the nurse for a call home and new shorts.

1994/95: In third grade I lie to my teacher quite brazenly and am almost caught. I also semi-meet the boy who would become my best friend when the third grade part of my combo class switched teachers after recess time.

1995/96: I compete with the other kids for the most creative and gory journal every day until our teacher bans us killing each other. I also come up with a zookeeper and animal game that enthralls my whole class, and I wish I could remember more about it now. Our teacher also divides us into basketball teams, and mine comes in third out of four places.

1996/97: I gain the nickname Rambo because I rammed my friend in a race to the drinking fountain. I also have a whole week where all I do is cause accidents for my friends, and I start to drift away from my group. Thinking about this now I see what this leads to only a few years later. This is the year I have more girl friends than guys since I started school.

1997/98: I start middle school and start to become less of a tomboy, wearing more girl clothes. My language arts and social studies likes when I read the text aloud because I'm clear and quick. I leave my group at the end of the year and end with no real place. This was a very awkward year for me.

1998/99: That boy and I are in the same class. We become friends over Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and I am the walking players guide for my class. After my newest group kicks me out (they were the sixth one that year) Jon leads me around until I found a new one. He comes to join me a week later. I convince him to join newspaper with me for eighth grade.

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