Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review: 2011

January: go off work with a wrist injury; start my second to last UCR quarter

February: get a stomach bug; my car is wrecked by my brother

March: apply for graduation; Grandmom buys me a new a Honda Civic (2005); Pokemon Black and White released; start final undergraduate quarter; temporarily move out to Grandmom's house

April: UCR spring plant sale; move back in to my house; begin republishing GSD II on

May: go back to work; step down back to courtesy clerk

June: join Phi Beta Kappa; graduate UCR with my BS; turn 25; skip jury duty; Aunt Kim visits; get a Nintendo 3DS as a graduation gift; buy Ocarina of Time 3D; learn how to work the self checkout at work; Cara taken away by a coyote

July: retear Achilles tendon in right foot

August: cabin on vacation with Andrew, Grandmom, and Uncle Rob; 2nd strike authorization vote

September: new grocery contract; 7 year Albertsons anniversary

October: start being a combo clerk (CC/checker)

November: Zelda: Skyward Sword; get my LiveScan done to begin applying for sub teaching permit

December: finally get diploma

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

90s Nostalgia (and some early 2000s)

Stuff from my Childhood

Hey Arnold!
Aaaaah! Real Monsters
Rocko's Modern Life
Legends of the Hidden Temple
Wild and Crazy Kids
Double Dare
Hey Dude
Clarissa Explains It All
All That
Keenan and Kel
The Amanda Show
Pete and Pete
Rocket Power
The Wild Thornberrys
Stick Stickly
Blue's Clues
Gullah Gullah Island
Allegra's Window
Under the Umbrella Tree
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo
Dragonball Z
Family Matters
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Boy Meets World
The Powerpuff Girls
Dexter's Laboratory
Mike, Lu, and Ogg

Win Brick
Oregon Trail
Super Nintendo
Super Mario World
F Zero
Aaaaah! Real Monsters
Mario Kart
Donkey Kong series
Tom and Jerry game
Mickey's Mystical Adventures
Sim City
Super Game Boy
TMNT game
Nintendo 64
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario Kart 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Mario 64
Donkey Kong
GoldenEye 007
Cruisin' USA
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Banjo Kazooie
Perfect Dark
Gameboy Color
Link's Awakening
Printer, Camera
Pokemon series

Jimmy Dean pizza lunches
Virtual pets
Pokemon TCG
Weird Al
snap bracelets

Monday, July 18, 2011

Favorite Shows of All Time

Golden Girls
3rd Rock from the Sun

Pushing Daisies
Star Trek: TNG, DS9
Legend of the Seeker
Eli Stone
The Middleman
Ally McBeal

Tenchi Muyo!
Dragonball Z

The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
The Oblongs
Family Guy
Spongebob Squarepants

Lost Tapes
The Most Extreme

Monday, June 27, 2011

Besides being regular morons...

You know what I think in the midst of this gay marriage debate (despite the obvious support for New York and all of the same sex couples everywhere who both desire and deserve to have their relationships recognized the same way opposite sex couples are afforded the same privilege)? That social conservativism is an oxymoron.

Think about it. Conservatives want to retain the status quo. They do not want things to change. The thing about culture is that is not something that stays the same. It changes all the time, which is why, oftentimes, the newest generation is more "liberal" on certain issues than their elders. One thing I learned in my anthropology education was that cultures do not need to be saved or documented before they disappear. They do not disappear at all, they simply change. Culture and people change, and the ones who rally against such changes are afraid to let go of what they cling to because it helps justify their own existence. Those of us who can accept that not everyone ought to live the same way, that anyone who says otherwise is wrong, that can find their own meaning, are the ones who realize that things like love ought to be cherished. Norms will change because that is the nature of culture.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Politics and the Death of an Enemy

"Let's be clear on one thing: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, DID. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN… victory!! REPOST IF YOU AGREE!!!"

Goodness, I cannot even begin to fathom the ignorance of the people who post this BS. Let me, for my own benefit, take this ridiculous statement apart in all its falsehoods.

1. No duh President Obama did not kill Bin Laden. However, the very well trained Navy SEELS did. He has worked very closely with intelligence officials since he got into office. Last August they got a lead that OBL was hiding in Pakistan in plain sight. Several months later, after much work, in February they confirmed he was indeed living on a compound in the middle of a military city 50 miles away from Islamabad. Two weeks ago, the president made the choice between taking him alive or shooting him on sight. He chose to kill the bastard. He made the right decision in my book.

2. The president was never willing to not pay our soldiers who needed the money to support themselves and their families. Congress, made up of both Democrats and Republicans, could not come to an agreement on this fiscal year's budget. The main problem here was that many Republicans wanted to completely defund Planned Parenthood on the basis that they perform so many abortions a year (when in reality that only makes up 3% of their total services given per year and is not allowed to be funded by federal money in the first place). That was not acceptable since they provide women with few alternatives things like BC, pap smears, family planning counseling, cancer screenings, and so much more. It was stupid stuff like this that held up a reasonable budget from being passed. Yes, we all realize how bad the economy is and that we cannot keep funding everything out the wazoo, but some stuff (like healthcare for all, Planned Parenthood, and NPR/PBS) provide necessary and beneficial things to our lives as Americans.

3.Yes, Obama did happen to be in office. But let's look at how long he has been there. It has been officially two years and almost four months now. How long was President Bush there since we invaded Afghanistan looking for Bin Laden? More than seven years. And guess what happened? We invaded Iraq and took out Saddam Hussein. He literally said that Bin Laden was no longer a major concern. Essentially they gave up caring since they got what they wanted: a major presence in a country with lots of oil and that had done somebody's father wrong during the first Gulf War. It's frickin' HILARIOUS how those clowns are now saying he just finished what they started. Yes, they did start it, but they also gave up and shifted gears. This stuff has been documented and recorded for goodness sake. It's not like us liberal scum are making it up just to make our last president look bad. He really said it because that was how his policy priorities shifted. Now I honestly don't have much wrong with that because at least he was being honest. What irritates me is how they are swooping in and trying to take credit for something they stopped shooting for as their major goal.

4. Finally, this of course is not an Obama victory alone. Nothing a president does ever really could be counted as such. However, this is something that was able to happen under his watch because he was, despite what folks might think, very much involved with this particular operation. Clinton and Bush both missed out on taking him out. So the circumstances were right under Obama, and his decisions along with the actions of our brave men and women have led to this moment that much of the globe is happy about. So it is in fact a victory facilitated by our Commander in Chief, our military, and our intelligence officers. Whether you voted for him or not, he is doing what he believes is right for our country. And guess what? He got this thing right. So yes, this IS his victory, but he alone cannot claim it. It belongs to all those serving in the military in any capacity, to those citizens who pay taxes to support him and them, and to the world that demands freedom from any kind of extremist ideology no matter the origin or rhetoric.

I was stupid and young when I espoused that Bush was not my president just because I disagreed with most of what he stood for. I was wrong and would never think that again no matter who gets elected and what party they come from. He or she WILL be my president because that is what my fellow countrymen and women decided was right at the time. Those who say such things now piss me off, but they are just caught in the same state I was in. Personally I have grown and learned that that is not the correct attitude to have. I cannot say for certain now what any Obama opponents truly believe, but I do feel like he gets more hate because of his race and the retarded assertion that he is socialist. Learn what the concept means before you decide that it's bad. (Hint: it's not communism, we have it in some places to some degree, and it is not inherently evil).

And as for him being black...guess what, folks? Race is a biologically false notion that is transmitted differently in parts of the world based on culture. As an anthropology student, I have learned this truth. Obama looks African because his dad was from Kenya, but he is just as much "American" as I am. He just has darker skin because his ancestors came from somewhere near the equator while mine came from the northern latitudes. Science is your friend, not your enemy.

Well...I guess this kind of winds down my long rant. There are moments when I disagree with him. Those are plenty, trust me. However, he is still the better choice from two years ago. I don't ever regret voting for what I believed in. I just wish it was within his power to do more of what he promised (and don't start on that expanded government nonsense because Pres. Bush did way more in that area, which is usually forgotten about ever so conveniently). Obama is our president whether you like it or not. He was born in Hawaii to a white American woman and an African man. He's had some successes and some failures. Deciding to have our military kill Osama Bin Laden is definitely a success. So just get over it already.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Updating the ol' profile

...and saving the previous one here just because

September 13, 2010

So it has begun. I have started rewriting all of my Pokémon/Zelda crossover stories as well as editing my Pokémon series GS Distress. In between this, I am also still working on A Hero's Sojourn as well as my original works. If updates are sparse, that's why, especially since school will be starting again on the 23 for me. Luckily my class load is not too much this quarter. Eventually I will finish my Triad saga, I just don't know when.

Lately I have been back into Pokémon, both the games and the anime since I found out they show repeats on Boomerang. I really hope this will motivate me to finish my stories a little bit faster. I have also gone through Ocarina of Time again, hoping to get ideas on how to handle the temples in my story. Hopefully it worked. Guess I'll just wait and see.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yet another reason I hate organized religion...

So apparently being agnostic (or atheist in my case) means we are "faith impaired." Isn't faith in myself and in humanity in general to do the right thing simply because it's the right thing good enough?

Apparently not to some of the religious kooks (of ALL faiths).

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Comment Win VIII

-referencing his attempt to trademark some of the BS phrases he's been spouting off

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ancient Roman Fanfiction

"Don't forget the Aeneid. Vergil was so gay for his homie Homer, he had to pick up the story & write his own self-congradulatory fanfic based on the characters from the Illiad & Odyssey going off to make Rome into such an awesome place."

Read more:

Having read the whole thing twice and translated it once, this is too true...

From here.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life: The (Hopefully) Lost Week

Alright, so this last week has been one thing after another for my family and me. First, the week before last, my mom had a horrible stomach bug. Then I caught it last Saturday and just started feeling like myself yesterday. I finally had the energy to sit at my computer. I mustered up all I could to do my homework the other two times I sat in my chair so I could at least email it to my professor. I hope they both don't count it against me, but when you have a stomach bug that turns all nutrition into unpleasantness of the rear, you do not want to go anywhere, let alone class for six hours. My flu caused me to miss the Pokemon Black & White mall tour in Arcadia. I was so psyched to go and thought my nausea was just hangover-related. I originally felt bad the night before and ignored it, but the day of the tour I knew I was going nowhere. Big fat bummer.

Then I get denied disability because my doctor and/or her staff was not specific enough on the papers (that is a whole other story, BTW). So I have to appeal that, which takes more time so I have to go even longer with no pay, and I lose my insurance as of March 1 because I have not been working minimum hours and have no disability stubs to show them.

And then, my company lets me know that I need to apply through them for leave, and since I misunderstood the first paper, I am treading on water right now to get it back to them on time. Since I was sick, my brother (who was nice enough) left it at the office on Wednesday for them to fill out, but when I went on Friday after my x-ray, it was still on her desk. So fuck. It needs to get back to my company's HR department by March 7, and my doc is only there Tuesday and Thursday. All I could do was ask the girl at the desk (who was very nice and understanding of my plight) to leave a note letting her know how urgent it is that it gets filled out so I can mail it. I care less about the disability appeal and more about not losing my job due to an injury (see other story to come later).

I was really hoping to make it to class on Thursday, but sadly, I still had tummy issues so I had to stay home. Friday was going to be better. My bro and I were going out to Rancho to get my x-ray and see about my papers so I showered and waited for him to return from the union hall by the agreed upon time. He was late, which was fine because I was still unwell and just chilled watching TV Land and playing Yoshi's Island DS. When he finally got here, he said there was a problem...a big one. He crashed my car by rear-ending someone on the off-ramp that is akin to hell thanks to the construction. I burst out crying (due to everything finally crashing on me- I have never cried so hard in my life before; I couldn't breathe).

So now, my awesome grandma, who has done so much for me and my mom and bro (despite the times I complain about how I think some things are unfair), is going to be buy me a new used car, hopefully a Honda Civic like I already have. The damage is fairly bad but still drivable and fixable. The plan is that my bro can get the parts and fix it and eventually keep it. Somewhat humorously, this is a situation my mom joked about in the past. I love my car, but I would love to have a newer model if only by a couple or few years. Power windows, power locks, maybe tint, hopefully an after market CD player...we'll see. So far there has been no luck, but it's only been two days. I am a patient person, and since I am off work now anyway and only have class two days a week, it's fine. I just feel bad for my mom since we have to use her car for everything. Plus my g-mom is buying it for me out of her money alone since we're poor. Granted she did help my cousin out when he got his first car, and she was supposed to help my mom with my bro's new car a few years back. I will just be grateful when I get my new mode of transportation. I hated getting rides everywhere before I finally managed to pass my driving test (took three times, but I did it). Now I am kind of back there for a bit.

But, like I said, that's fine. I hate putting my grandma through this stress. I hope she's around for the next few years and can see my get me teaching credential and a job so she knows I will be okay on my own. I hope my mom gets a job (doing pharm tech or whatever she wants), I hope my uncle gets his job, and I hope my bro finds his way. I would like for her to see that before she departs. It would make her feel good to know, after all of her help and support and love, that her family is alright.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Comment Win of the Day VI

All of this is true of San Bernardino as well.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Want to Be the Very Best

Red Team (2010)
Pre-Rare Candy glitch, post Elite Four

Pikachu 48
Dugtrio 47
Pidgeot 44
Bulbasaur 45
Lapras 43
Venomoth 51

Pokedex: 54
Time: 29:54

Just What I Was Waiting For

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Comment Win of the Day III

About a CSUN math professor who urinated on another faculty member's door because they were having a "dispute":

Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sudden Memory

*watching Dragonball Kai subbed*

A long time ago, my mom bought me a DBZ coloring book at Vons in Fontana on Baseline in the year 2000/2001.

Dual Comment Win of the Day

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Kind of Pokemon Are You?

I am a Pikachu!

I am an Arcanine

Chronicles of a Potentially Haunted House

I was never a skeptic nor a die hard believer in ghosts. I figured (like I did about God) that they may exist or they may not. It didn't matter to me. Then I started getting into shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures and started thinking more that ghosts are probably real. Cue moving to this new house in May 2009...

Weird things that have happened/still happen
-fans turning on and off for no reason
-lights on fans doing the same
-dark figure walking across the living room into the kitchen
-weird noises (banging) that cannot be explained
-mini-fridge door opened for no reason one night
-yellow wiffleball bat fell down in an impossible direction
-Zelda figures on my bookcase moved, leaving dust trails

Now the Zelda one is weird. The figures are up on my book case with a picture frame, a crow, and an empty saké bottle. The pic and bottle are on the ledft, and the figures go (l-r) Zant, Zelda, Wolf Link and Midna, and Link. Everyone but Zelda had moved, Zant's base is on the ground while he is five inches away near Link, and the crow had moved. The other things are fine. I can tell it's recent because of the dust spots that were uncovered when they moved (yay for bad housekeeping skills). There were also trails like they were dragged, not knocked over. I took some pics, too. The figure and the bat thing so far are the weirdest, but this might just be up there.

Or maybe I should stop Ghost Adventures late at night with my light off?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh, Internet, what will I do with you?

Why it takes me all day to do two assignments totaling only three pages.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What are you trying to tell me, Amazon??

Logged on to check on a music album I wanted. This was their recommendation page for me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

You know you go to UCR when...

...every other week or so UCPD sent out an email of another crime on or near campus.

Glad I don't live there at least. (Not that it's so safe here...)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Comment Win of the Day



Saw this on Facebook. Clicked and read it. Went back to drinking my Diet Coke.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Multiverse theory, creation, and gods

Multiverse theory, creation, and gods

Pokemon: Arceus was born from an egg and created the universe and all Pokemon according to Sinnoh legend.

Zelda: The goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore created Hyrule and possibly the entire world Hyrule is in.

Termina: It is unknown who created the parallel world, but Four Giants protect it from evil when they are summoned.

Dragonball: Again, there is no legend of creation, but the Kais have been around in various forms and power levels for millions of years.

Tenchi: No specific creation event is mentioned. However, the Chousin/goddesses Washu, Tsunami, and Tokimi were "born" having ultimate power. They manipulate many things in this universe.

Earth/Real World: If one is to consider scientific findings the canon of this universe, then there is no agreement on a creator/creation event though the universe is billions old and is described in too much depth to summarize here.

The RW, Tenchi, and DB universes are probably about the same age while Zelda and Pokemon, at least according to their various legends, are younger. In our epic, then, not all creation events/beginnings were at the same time. They were born out of each other, which is why they are connected but still separate. This leads to the possibility that there is one or more ultimate beings above the multiverse that each universe's gods would bow down to.

There are special people who are allowed to travel between universes. Examples of this include the Happy Mask Salesman Link encounters in Hyrule and Termina and Neo, who encounters Giovanni in the Pokemon world and Ash and Co. in Hyrule. Skull Kid and Link could also be ones, but this is unconfirmed as they are only known to go between Hyrule and Termina, which already have a close connection. The same is true of Exzavier, but this can also be explained by his great power due to his parentage. Although the HMS's possession of a Mario mask is an in-game nod to the Mario franchise, for our purposes this only shows that he has been to that universe.

The question then arises why these people exist. The answer is they have no purpose. They just are there, and they do what ever they want to for what ever purposes they want.