Sunday, January 2, 2011

Multiverse theory, creation, and gods

Multiverse theory, creation, and gods

Pokemon: Arceus was born from an egg and created the universe and all Pokemon according to Sinnoh legend.

Zelda: The goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore created Hyrule and possibly the entire world Hyrule is in.

Termina: It is unknown who created the parallel world, but Four Giants protect it from evil when they are summoned.

Dragonball: Again, there is no legend of creation, but the Kais have been around in various forms and power levels for millions of years.

Tenchi: No specific creation event is mentioned. However, the Chousin/goddesses Washu, Tsunami, and Tokimi were "born" having ultimate power. They manipulate many things in this universe.

Earth/Real World: If one is to consider scientific findings the canon of this universe, then there is no agreement on a creator/creation event though the universe is billions old and is described in too much depth to summarize here.

The RW, Tenchi, and DB universes are probably about the same age while Zelda and Pokemon, at least according to their various legends, are younger. In our epic, then, not all creation events/beginnings were at the same time. They were born out of each other, which is why they are connected but still separate. This leads to the possibility that there is one or more ultimate beings above the multiverse that each universe's gods would bow down to.

There are special people who are allowed to travel between universes. Examples of this include the Happy Mask Salesman Link encounters in Hyrule and Termina and Neo, who encounters Giovanni in the Pokemon world and Ash and Co. in Hyrule. Skull Kid and Link could also be ones, but this is unconfirmed as they are only known to go between Hyrule and Termina, which already have a close connection. The same is true of Exzavier, but this can also be explained by his great power due to his parentage. Although the HMS's possession of a Mario mask is an in-game nod to the Mario franchise, for our purposes this only shows that he has been to that universe.

The question then arises why these people exist. The answer is they have no purpose. They just are there, and they do what ever they want to for what ever purposes they want.

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