Friday, May 23, 2008

3.5 Years Ago

11:40 am

So here I am, selling flowers on the curbside of the store. Whodda thought that I could get paid for sitting for the next two hours? Heh. This is pretty cool, though, actually. I just made a sale to a nice older man. It's kinda funny 'cause earlier Jared wasn't sure what to get and asked my opinion. So did this guy "because I'm a girl." You know we woman all think alike. Today does make me a little sad, though. Not too much but enough. The only Valentines I ever got were from classmates, and we were all forced (which I think is lame BS). If everyone [mad another sale] gives cards to everyone elss, then it takes away from the real meaning. Ya, ya, I know. That way no one feels bad. Soft, fruity America (in the words of George Carlin). Then again, what is the real meaning? Who knows anymore with the cards and the candy and the flowers and blah blah blah. Hallmark, I blame you. You're running a smart operation and making a profit. Then Junior year Jon and Wyatt went on a double date with me and Amanda. They gave us each a faux flower and a sucker. That was probably the sweetest thing he's ever done for me (and it will probably always be that way). [12:00=Sale #3] But then I lost the flower a month or so ago. It's in my room somewhere, I hope. Maybe behind my TV and video games. How funny. We became friends over video games. Anyway, there was nothing else from him that really meant anything like that. Well...except that Ryoko figure. He loved that thing, but he gave it to me for my fifteenth birthday. Memories... Plus, one time back in 9th, he compared me to Cassi in his life: Cassi was Pakistan (he doesn't even know where that is...okay, neither do I), and I was the world. Even in a firendship way that meant a lot to me. But that bum...

(journal entry I wrote as I sold flowers on the curb at work a few years ago, I text messaged Jon, and he said "Ha ha, you were a beaner for Valentine's." He's half Mexican so it was okay he said that.)

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