Saturday, July 2, 2016


Our country is so divided right now, and I doubt we'll be able to reconcile with each other in the foreseeable future.

An article from ABC7 News about the death of a UC Berkeley student being among the victims of the latest terror attack was not immune to people who bring politics into everything. Now I love debating politics (more like arguing, let's be real), but a young woman died horrifically along with 19 (?) others. So this person points out how liberal her university was and it's us liberals who are saying we should tolerate these people. (Am I late to that party or something? Because I don't remember saying that or thinking it.) Also she took the opportunity to say that all Muslims can become terrorists, and she knows this because she's read the Quran. And she got 40 likes as of the time I snapped this screenshot. (Name not redacted because she posted publicly.)


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