Thursday, July 28, 2016

DNC Day Four

-Khizr Khan, whose Muslim son US Army Captain Humayun Khan was KIA
-Sarah McBride, first transgender person to address the convention for any major party
-Jennifer Granholm
-Retired general surrounded by other generals, admirals, and vets of the last two wars
-Andrew Cuomo
-Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles
-LGBTQ rights
-Republicans who are voting for her (former Regan speechwriter being one)
-Katy Perry
-Chelsea's intro and the Hillary video
-Hillary's speech

 At 19:47 PDT:  She accepts the nomination!!

Small details ARE a big deal because they impact our lives.
"When one barrier falls, it clears the way for everyone."
"And I believe in science."
"He spoke for seventy-odd minutes, and I do mean odd."
"Way too many dreams die in the parking lots of banks."
20:12- Going after Trump
"No, don't. " (re: knowing more about ISIS than the generals)
"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."
"But I ask you, how can we stand by and do nothing?" (re: gun violence)

And then the balloons drop.

Hope. Diversity. Unity. 

Stronger together. Do the most good.

I'm on board all the way. Twenty-four years ago, my parents brought my brother and I to see Bill campaigning in the city next door, and I will never forget that. I will also never forget watching the 1996 election with my dad , playing with Lincoln logs and my red Chevron car, hoping that he would win and being so happy when he did. I was only ten. I didn't do much to help Obama get elected except vote for him and urge others to do the same while I also tried to dispel the misinformation. This time, I will do more. The stakes are too high, and I truly believe in her as my candidate. It won't be easy since I'm a full-time teacher reworking my curriculum, but I'll find a way.

Onward to a brighter future for ALL.

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