Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Music Video Problems

So, as a human student and anthropology major, I have always been into looking at cultures and people and the many things associated with both. As a white hetero female, I have little actual insight into how it feels to be the opposite of one or more of those things (except female because, let's face it, being a girl in most cultures still sucks). However, I like to think that although I do not personally have to experience the stuff they do, I still can see and/or acknowledge more than most of my peers. I can never feel the oppression they do or experience the many levels of crap and appropriation they have to endure. But when I watch a random music video on YouTube, I find issues.

I like Katy Perry. I think many of her songs are catchy and speak to empowerment, whether you be female or not. However, her video for "Roar" was immediately problematic to this white girl when I spotted the first signs representing colonialism. I realize it probably was not her idea, but I still do not like the images. I get that the point of the song is that she does not need a man to tell her who she is and should be and can be her own person, but the video could have been so much better without the tigers and fake Africa setting with the lead guy looking like a white colonial d-bag.

Like, were there no other ways to show a woman who decides her guy sucks and that she doesn't need him to inform her of who she should be or already is? Really? I can think of plenty. Then again, I don't make art or videos for profit based on the assumptions and stereotypes of "strong, independent" women from a Western, male-dominated POV. 

So, I enjoy the message of the song. But the images that try to match up to it? Forget about it. I'll stick to my own imagination.

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