Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being Human

So the other day at work I assisted a handicapped woman out to her truck with her groceries. Not only was it my job but I was happy to do so. My grandfather and father were disabled at the end of their lives, and I just have respect for people in general (until you do something to make me lose it for you as a person, not a group). As I was loading her stuff inside, she told me she appreciated my patience with her. While that made me feel good, I was also a bit sad. Had she faced people before who were jerks about her situation? If so, was it often? And the idea that this one woman, who I didn't know and wasn't sure was a "regular" customer (not that it matters, but they emphasize treating regs well) had faced such jerks made me angry.

People are people. I wish we could stop judging on appearances and brief observances and just be nice to each other. Yes, some people are asshats and douchebags, but aside from them, most folks are cool and sometimes legit need our help. I wish I could see the older lady using a walking chair thing to get home and offer to help her, not fearing some weirdo might appear or be her.

I did help a woman back in 2006 like this. I was going to my car in the next parking lot over from my store when I ran into this woman who had locked her keys in her car. She asked if I could drive her to her house, which was just up the street and near my grandma. Me, being 20 and naive and nice, helped her out and was rewarded with $5 for gas and time, which was not needed but appreciated. I had class coming up but helped anyway because she needed it.

But sadly the world is not so nice and simple and rewarding. I wish to help as many people as I can in my time in what ever way is available to me. I just hope that folks don't have to feel bad or be exposed to more jerks. Usually people who are sick and/or disabled are treated like shit anyway. There is no reason to make it worse.

Just live by the golden rule and don't suck and fail at being a decent human being.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

I've followed your blog for a while now [hi], I wanted to comment earlier but you write with such conviction that there's nothing I need to add. It's nice to know a person like you is out there.