Thursday, February 7, 2013

Personal History Statement

There are many reasons why a person may wish to obtain a graduate degree. These can range from economic reasons to purely personal ones. For me, my desire to earn a graduate degree stems from several places such as familial, economic, social, and personal, and it will also allow me to teach in underrepresented areas where quality educators are especially needed.

The first reason for my pursuit of an advanced degree is that I will be the first person in my family to attain such a distinction. While my mother has an Associate Degree and my father and grandparents had some college, no one has come as far as a graduate degree. I would like to reach that goal for myself and to make them proud. Also, having an advanced degree is integral to financial security in these times. My family always struggled to pay the bills, even with my mother's education. A graduate degree of course does not guarantee anything, but it is still very important. Aside from these reasons, it has also always been my ultimate goal along with obtaining a teaching credential. Those two go hand in hand as having an M Ed will provide better job security as a teacher in these especially tough times.

Having a graduate degree will also make me a better, more prepared, and more informed educator. Part of the reason I was at Chaffey College for so long was my love of learning, and this translated over to UCR. Then in an upper division education class, I got to learn from and interact with a graduate student. The same is true for a few of my other classes, and this showed me how much more there was to learn. Graduate studies will only build on my current knowledge base, which will feed my love of learning and also make me a better teacher and even person.

With such a degree, I plan on serving communities that are high-needs. When I first began Chaffey College, I was fresh out of high school and ready to tackle the path to becoming a teacher. My idea of being a teacher was based solely on what I had experienced in what I call my bubble. I had great teachers, went to good schools, and had supportive family and friends. However, as my time at Chaffey progressed and when I set foot onto UCR's campus, this changed in me. I saw how not everyone had my opportunities and realized that I was very fortunate. This changed view has made me want to teach in those communities that are under-served and underrepresented. It is important to have good teachers in all areas, but it is especially important to have them in high needs places, particularly in math and my specialty of science.

As stated above, my reasons for obtaining a graduate degree include financial security, personal and familial pride, and the want to further improve myself so I can be the teacher I need to be. With this degree, I will take my skills and knowledge and use them to work in the places quality teachers are needed most so I can help as many students as I can not just with school but with anything else they need.

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