Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Want to Be the Very Best

Red Team (2010)
Pre-Rare Candy glitch, post Elite Four

Pikachu 48
Dugtrio 47
Pidgeot 44
Bulbasaur 45
Lapras 43
Venomoth 51

Pokedex: 54
Time: 29:54

Just What I Was Waiting For

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Comment Win of the Day III

About a CSUN math professor who urinated on another faculty member's door because they were having a "dispute":

Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sudden Memory

*watching Dragonball Kai subbed*

A long time ago, my mom bought me a DBZ coloring book at Vons in Fontana on Baseline in the year 2000/2001.

Dual Comment Win of the Day

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Kind of Pokemon Are You?

I am a Pikachu!

I am an Arcanine

Chronicles of a Potentially Haunted House

I was never a skeptic nor a die hard believer in ghosts. I figured (like I did about God) that they may exist or they may not. It didn't matter to me. Then I started getting into shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures and started thinking more that ghosts are probably real. Cue moving to this new house in May 2009...

Weird things that have happened/still happen
-fans turning on and off for no reason
-lights on fans doing the same
-dark figure walking across the living room into the kitchen
-weird noises (banging) that cannot be explained
-mini-fridge door opened for no reason one night
-yellow wiffleball bat fell down in an impossible direction
-Zelda figures on my bookcase moved, leaving dust trails

Now the Zelda one is weird. The figures are up on my book case with a picture frame, a crow, and an empty saké bottle. The pic and bottle are on the ledft, and the figures go (l-r) Zant, Zelda, Wolf Link and Midna, and Link. Everyone but Zelda had moved, Zant's base is on the ground while he is five inches away near Link, and the crow had moved. The other things are fine. I can tell it's recent because of the dust spots that were uncovered when they moved (yay for bad housekeeping skills). There were also trails like they were dragged, not knocked over. I took some pics, too. The figure and the bat thing so far are the weirdest, but this might just be up there.

Or maybe I should stop Ghost Adventures late at night with my light off?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh, Internet, what will I do with you?

Why it takes me all day to do two assignments totaling only three pages.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What are you trying to tell me, Amazon??

Logged on to check on a music album I wanted. This was their recommendation page for me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

You know you go to UCR when...

...every other week or so UCPD sent out an email of another crime on or near campus.

Glad I don't live there at least. (Not that it's so safe here...)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Comment Win of the Day



Saw this on Facebook. Clicked and read it. Went back to drinking my Diet Coke.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Multiverse theory, creation, and gods

Multiverse theory, creation, and gods

Pokemon: Arceus was born from an egg and created the universe and all Pokemon according to Sinnoh legend.

Zelda: The goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore created Hyrule and possibly the entire world Hyrule is in.

Termina: It is unknown who created the parallel world, but Four Giants protect it from evil when they are summoned.

Dragonball: Again, there is no legend of creation, but the Kais have been around in various forms and power levels for millions of years.

Tenchi: No specific creation event is mentioned. However, the Chousin/goddesses Washu, Tsunami, and Tokimi were "born" having ultimate power. They manipulate many things in this universe.

Earth/Real World: If one is to consider scientific findings the canon of this universe, then there is no agreement on a creator/creation event though the universe is billions old and is described in too much depth to summarize here.

The RW, Tenchi, and DB universes are probably about the same age while Zelda and Pokemon, at least according to their various legends, are younger. In our epic, then, not all creation events/beginnings were at the same time. They were born out of each other, which is why they are connected but still separate. This leads to the possibility that there is one or more ultimate beings above the multiverse that each universe's gods would bow down to.

There are special people who are allowed to travel between universes. Examples of this include the Happy Mask Salesman Link encounters in Hyrule and Termina and Neo, who encounters Giovanni in the Pokemon world and Ash and Co. in Hyrule. Skull Kid and Link could also be ones, but this is unconfirmed as they are only known to go between Hyrule and Termina, which already have a close connection. The same is true of Exzavier, but this can also be explained by his great power due to his parentage. Although the HMS's possession of a Mario mask is an in-game nod to the Mario franchise, for our purposes this only shows that he has been to that universe.

The question then arises why these people exist. The answer is they have no purpose. They just are there, and they do what ever they want to for what ever purposes they want.