Saturday, April 24, 2010


So let's talk about what has been going on in life recently, shall we?

So I am now almost half way (!) through my second quarter at UCR. First quarter I made the Dean's Honors List. Then I signed up for summer school and applied for aid though I secretly found out that even if they don't give it to me, my grandma has the dough to pay. After the summer I will only need 36 units to earn my degree with a minimum of 4 anthropology classes, 5 to get the BS. I was thinking of trying to graduate by the end of winter, but I think I'll just stretch it out until spring.

Also, two days before St. Patrick's Day, I was leaving school having done the final presentation for my class when some guy on a skateboard slammed into me. We both landed on the sidewalk hard and knocked a plastic cone from the ground. My poster went flying, and I was dazed for a good ten seconds. I ended up spraining my knee (among other bruises and sore muscles) and was off work for the rest of the week. It still hurts a little, especially to lean on it, but it was a nice vacation. I also saw Alice in Wonderland with my mom the day after it happened. Good movie but not a comfortable position with a messed up leg.

That's probably about it for the time. Peace.

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