Thursday, October 1, 2009

DBE: some thoughts

So I was watching a YouTube a video review of Dragonball: Evolution when I started to think. As a movie based on Dragonball it sucked so hard you couldn't even really begin it to compare it to the original. But as an original, I did indeed manage to enjoy it as crazy as that sounds. The one thing I wish: that it was longer. I feel the whole Yamcha/Bulma thing could have been done waaaaay better. Also, Goku/Chi-Chi could have been a wee bit deeper but oh well. It was still cute. The plot could have been drawn out more to make more sense and be deeper, but I liked it. Many modern movies fail at all levels so the fact that this was barely above that should be telling enough. I still want the DVD just 'cause. I would also like to see a sequel. Granted this is not exactly "Dragonball", but crap. It was a decent movie, especially from Fox. I wasn't completely pissed that I paid money to see it, including my bro's ticket.

So yeah. That's all.

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