Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quiz Time

No idea where I got this, but I found it saved in one of my folders when I was doing some cleaning. Bolded careers are ones I have considered, and one is what I am going to school for.

Your personality type:

Quietly forceful, original and sensitive. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perseverance in doing the right thing. Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following.

Careers that could fit you include:

Counselors, clergy, missionaries, teachers, medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists, psychiatrists, writers, musicians, artists, psychics, photographers, child care workers, education consultants, librarians, marketeers, scientists, social workers.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

And so it goes

"I never thought I'd get here / I was so far away."

Okay, that line is from a song about love, but it fits with how I feel about transferring finally. I was thinking about this last quarter as I waited for the signal to change to cross the street. I graduated high school and went to Chaffey because it was expected of me. It wasn't necessarily something I wanted. I was still floating through life trying to figure it out. Not that I was not intending on graduating high school, but this was also something I was doing because I was supposed to. The same kind of goes for getting a job and then staying there (for five plus years so far). It was expected, not what I wanted.

This changed, and I can still pinpoint the times it did. I was driving home from Target in 2008 and just the idea of being a teacher made me happy in this way I could not express in any other way except to speed and drive without care (which I had to hold in). Then after I applied to UCR in July it was still something I felt I was doing because I needed to for someone else (my grandma).

That day as I stood there at the signal, I thought, gosh, I really am here at UCR. I earned this. I wanted this. I did it. Now I am actively working towards graduation, and every so often, the feeling hits that, wow, I'm at the university I dreamed of (I don't care what anyone else says about UCR). Who would have thought I would end up here, especially after dropping out last spring and changing majors abruptly?

Sometimes life discourages me. Then I think of what I have accomplished despite the bumps, and I feel like I've done what I wanted after all. I even think that, if my dad's energy is floating around out there, I've made him proud since he couldn't stick around on Earth long enough to see what I have done. That above all makes me happy.

Now...onto graduation, grad school, and teaching.


So let's talk about what has been going on in life recently, shall we?

So I am now almost half way (!) through my second quarter at UCR. First quarter I made the Dean's Honors List. Then I signed up for summer school and applied for aid though I secretly found out that even if they don't give it to me, my grandma has the dough to pay. After the summer I will only need 36 units to earn my degree with a minimum of 4 anthropology classes, 5 to get the BS. I was thinking of trying to graduate by the end of winter, but I think I'll just stretch it out until spring.

Also, two days before St. Patrick's Day, I was leaving school having done the final presentation for my class when some guy on a skateboard slammed into me. We both landed on the sidewalk hard and knocked a plastic cone from the ground. My poster went flying, and I was dazed for a good ten seconds. I ended up spraining my knee (among other bruises and sore muscles) and was off work for the rest of the week. It still hurts a little, especially to lean on it, but it was a nice vacation. I also saw Alice in Wonderland with my mom the day after it happened. Good movie but not a comfortable position with a messed up leg.

That's probably about it for the time. Peace.