Thursday, June 22, 2017

Anti-vaccine Rant

Normally I don't engage assholes on Facebook about vaccines. My own brother is an anti-vaxxer (likely due in in part to his untreated bipolar disorder- he's always been  prone to conspiracy BS). But I got ragey about his lady who posted her sick daughter who was unable to get the chicken pox vaccine due to a kidney transplant. She's a nurse and just wanted to bring attention to the fact that her daughter's life-threatening condition could have been prevented. She wasn't even on a soapbox or anything. She just wanted to tell a story.

But the jerks came out in the comments en masse, talking about autism and vaccines causing death and disabilities (which they can though this is very rare). Plus poison and mercury and Big Pharma and the corrupt CDC. Citing articles from the 90s as support of the autism link (which is big fat  BULL SHIT and any normal human being would realize saying all cases of autism are worse than death is scumbag behavior. 

Fuck these people. They are scum. They are scientifically illiterate and a danger to society. Personal freedom ends when your behavior affects someone else. In the mood I am in tonight, I hope one of these fools gets arrested and convicted for the death one of them will inevitably cause someone else who could not be vaccinated. I hope that sets precedent. Fuck them and their ignorance. 

Below is my unposted comment. I won't post it because there is no arguing with idiots.

"Except thimerosal is different than the elemental mercury that has been proven to be harmful like the kind found in old thermometers and energy-saving light bulbs. Basic knowledge of chemistry would help you understand this. Remove/add an atom or group of them and it changes the way our bodies receive something. Also, vaccines don't contain this ingredient anymore anyway thanks to fear mongering. It was removed as a precaution thanks to ignorant fools like you. Honestly, if you think everyone at the CDC is bought and paid for, you're gullible as hell, and I have a vaccine antidote to sell you that will cure you of your idiocracy. I would rather have an autistic child than have that one that dies from a disease previous generations were severely affected by. When the polio vaccine came out, people stood in line FOR HOURS to get vaccinated because they saw the damage this disease did. Forget how smallpox decimated the Native Americans because they had no immunity and how many were left blind, deaf, and sterile from mumps, measles, and rubella. But no, no one would contract these diseases so why do we have vaccines? I'm a huge proponent of letting people live their lives their own way, but people like you are a parasite on the social norms we as a civilized society agreed to. By not vaccinating yourself or your children, you are putting people at risk, even though you are so far removed from fact-based reality to understand this. Honestly, myself and many others would chip in to buy all of you liked-minded folks an island so you could live out your pathetic anti-science lives and leave the rest of us the fuck alone."

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