Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Big 3-0

Many people dread leaving their twenties behind and finally turning thirty. I personally never really cared. We all get older and hopefully wiser. Each year brings new experiences, and this past year has especially been enriching. I've made so many memories and finally found my place in the world. This birthday is the first in a long time where it felt like a birthday and where I enjoyed it. So I can remember what this day brought, I'll briefly recap.

My close teacher friend got me two Monsters and a mousse cake plus hooked me up with some movies to show my kids since they took their final early.

Being glomped by a student and having my (annoying) third period genuinely keep wishing me a happy day as they filed into the room to take their test.

Two of my honors kids writing and drawing me a message on the board during study hall (I had to Instagram it).

Being sung to by two of my teacher friends and the brother of one of them.

All the Facebook well wishes from people I connected with during the teaching program and from my school site, my family, and the people from my pastl.

My brother wishing me a happy birthday right when I got home AND then buying me cheesecake and a vanilla shake from Del Taco "instead of ice cream."

Calling and talking to my grandma, whose birthday is also today and hearing how happy she was to hear all about my day.

Hillary Clinton becoming the Democratic nominee for president (I had to add this).

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