Sunday, April 10, 2016


A teacher once told me to think of me as a resource, to invest in myself
And to do everything to make myself scarce
Sage advice, no?
Only I'm not the only one who has invested in me
That list is much too long
And yet, I think of it, every now and then...

My mom, for having, loving, and supporting me, even at my moodiest
My dad, for forgiving me plus the above
My grandma, for pushing me and always expecting more
My grandpa, for thinking about my future, my education and for trying to see into my mind
My teachers, for encouraging me, for making me want to learn
My professors, for making me think, explore, and question
My old supervisor, for knowing how much I like to and can help people
My state, for granting me so much aid I have two degrees and no student loan debt
My university, for accepting me into their fold
My friends, though we've parted, for helping me grow up and get through it

So when I'm disillusioned, when I think how much life sucks
I remember it isn't all about me
I have to do well, not just for my future
I must do well for them
None of them ever demanded anything back
But I owe them a return on their investment
Even still, they would rather me feel as if I owed myself
And for that, I will never stop owing them
No matter how much I invest in myself



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