Monday, June 27, 2011

Besides being regular morons...

You know what I think in the midst of this gay marriage debate (despite the obvious support for New York and all of the same sex couples everywhere who both desire and deserve to have their relationships recognized the same way opposite sex couples are afforded the same privilege)? That social conservativism is an oxymoron.

Think about it. Conservatives want to retain the status quo. They do not want things to change. The thing about culture is that is not something that stays the same. It changes all the time, which is why, oftentimes, the newest generation is more "liberal" on certain issues than their elders. One thing I learned in my anthropology education was that cultures do not need to be saved or documented before they disappear. They do not disappear at all, they simply change. Culture and people change, and the ones who rally against such changes are afraid to let go of what they cling to because it helps justify their own existence. Those of us who can accept that not everyone ought to live the same way, that anyone who says otherwise is wrong, that can find their own meaning, are the ones who realize that things like love ought to be cherished. Norms will change because that is the nature of culture.


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