Monday, May 17, 2010


Why do the networks always cancel the shows I like? The list goes on...Invasion, Eli Stone, The Reaper, The Middleman...and now apparently the Legend of the Seeker.


All of those are good, new, and different.

But they get canceled presumably because they cost too much to make versus the profit they make off of the ones who watch. I though in the beginning that reality TV was a fad...sadly I was wrong. People are stupid and easily amused because their lives are so empty they can watch that other nonsense and be entertained hence make the networks money. Well screw them.

See, this is why I hate being a fan fiction writer and reader. Someone comes up with something that is really good and interesting, but they do not finish it. I myself am guilty. You get into it and then...canceled! Too bad. And yet they come out with Shrek 4 (and I love Shrek).

I'm just irritated right now.

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