Saturday, March 13, 2010

Couldn't agree more

Lesbian sgt. discharged after police tell military

"To you people who say it was her fault because she didn't cooperate when she was at her home, so they contacted her at work, they contacted her while she was at the military base. And as a general comment to those who think gay marriage is an abomination against god's laws, marriage or even monogamy is evolutionarily pointless. If you're argument it that it violates you're own view of proper "morals" realize that you're "morals" are social constructs and are a "violation" of natural human rights. By the way, i totally appreciate "Joe's" use of quotation marks, because he's right, it's not "gay" marriage, its' just marriage plain and simple, there should be no distinction based upon sexual orientation or gender, to do so would be a violation of homosexual's human rights, i'm sure you people who oppose gay rights on "moral grounds" would be riling against the law if it chose to prevent you to marry or practice your religion, but of course when it's something you don't personally believe in, naturally it doesn't matter if they have rights or not because you only care about you're own personal views. Shame on you all for being so selfish." - someone on Yahoo!

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