Sunday, January 31, 2010

More "Theories"

So this is kind of addendum to my previous post. I started out thinking about this as the key point, and then it transformed into something different.

Alright, so a lot of people who talk about theories dealing with Majora's Mask like to ponder about counterparts. It is no secret that many characters in MM look the same as Ocarina of Time (thanks to the reuse of character models). The first thing I want to address is the idea of Link's Termina counterpart. Let me say this: he does not have one. Now why do I think that? First of all, not everyone in Hyrule has a counterpart in Termina. As another point, some new character designs (such as Kafei) were made. Many like to think of Kafei as Link's cp, which I don't buy. Yes, you did gain the ability to control him for a brief time in the side quest against Sakon. And yes, he was a very important person in the game (so was Anju but no one mentions her). Their sidequest together was the most extensive, but it was not simply about him so that argument holds no water for me.

Now who doesn't have a counterpart? Ganondorf and Zelda come to mind. What do they have in common, you ask? They are main characters who hold a piece of the Triforce. Oh, wait a does Link. All I mean to say is that not all people in OoT must have a counterpart in MM. Onlyone of the Sages have one, and there are no Kokiris at all. And Kafei is his own person. Link is just passing by trying to leave so he can get back to his quest of trying to find Navi. People sometimes make a deal out of the fact that Cremia has the Triforce emblem on her belt buckle. But how can this be??? They don't seem to acknowledge the Goddesses or the Triforce. Simple answer: she is a reused model. I'm pretty sure the creators were not thinking that there would be controversy over something so simple or that they would put a hidden meaning in there by leaving it alone.

Somethings you just need to take at face value, and this is one of those things. Some people look the same, some are new, and some are missing. All the characters there are meant to draw you into the game, not the have you make connections back to Hyrule. They may look alike, but their personalities are different, and therefore they are different.

So don't worry about it.

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