Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One more thing

Not to be all nostalgic and stuff, but I've been thinking about this for a while. My old interests that were a staple when I described myself to anyone included anime and trance. I don't seek out much new anime, and I don't listen to much new trance. I think the reason is this: the 90's and early 00's were much better. I'm glad I grew up watching Toonami and Adult Swim (back when they aired anime more often than Saturday night 1-5 am). CN sucks now. They're even going into the live action business. What part of CARTOON Network did they go and forget? The only EDM producer who still has me interested in his new stuff is ATB. Everyone else is just blah. Overall the quality of entertainment in the whole world has taken a down turn, I think. I love my "Best of Trance" and "Trance Party" CDs, even if some of it is radio cheese. DBZ, Tenchi, Rurouini Kenshin, YuYu what do we have? Naruto? XP. No thanks. Bleach is good, though (about the only thing).

That is all.

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