Monday, August 23, 2010

Explanations for GS Distress series

The GS Ball was originally supposed to have Celebi inside , creating a story arc in the Johto journeys series. Then they abandoned the plotline in favor of giving Celebi a full movie; in GS Distress, Ash finds that Mew is inside (against canon but unknown at the time and oh well anyway). Jessie’s mother Miyamoto was searching for Mew at the time of her disappearance. She was also a high ranking Team Rocket member when she disappeared, searching on the orders of Giovanni’s mother Madame Boss, who she was close with. Let’s say she was able to capture Mew in a ball, and that ball went on to be lost. Eventually it was found and assumed to be ancient as no one had knowledge of Team Rocket’s plans and exploits let alone any of their technological breakthroughs. Professor Ivy and her team of triplets are tasked with opening it. When they cannot figure it out, they tell Professor Oak. Ash and gang then head to retrieve it. Brock stays behind, and Tracey joins the gang. In the anime, the ball is forgotten when it is left with another professor who specializes in Pokéballs.

In our story, it is not forgotten. This ball contains the Mew caught by Jessie’s mom Miyamoto. There is a flashback scene where she asks Mew to help her during an avalanche, but Mew presumably does not when it vanishes. That Mew, though, did come back to help her and wasn’t really disappearing to leave, just to get closer to her. The Andes are an unforgiving environment to those not prepared so Miyamoto would have had a hard time here even after escaping the snow downpour. Somehow she is able to make friends with Mew, which is how she is easily able to capture it. This was not how poor Mew wanted things to go down, and it is forever branded with the memory of a friend’s betrayal. Ash accidentally releases Mew in GS Distress. Mew sees memories of Miyamoto when he looks at Jessie, which is why he sends them blasting off. This catches Giovanni’s attention when Ash is interviewed on TV, and he departs for Pallet Town. When he comes to investigate himself, he finds out the truth about Ash being his son. He and Delia used to date and were quite serious, but then she left him for reasons unknown to him at the time. The girl Liz acts on her own behalf until Gio figures a way to use her to trap his son and rightful heir to Team Rocket. During his time there, Ash (Max) also is recognized as the boss’s adopted son. Jessie, James, and Meowth do not see him until much later on so they do not connect the dots about him being the twerp until Ash is 16. Liz was also brainwashed and brought back into the fold. Her original intention was to get close to Ash, which is foiled by his friendship with Misty. Though the two trainers are young, the feelings and potential future relationship make any other girl’s chances with Ash unlikely. When she figures this out, she wants revenge for what happened to her father, who was developing the technology that led to the creation of the GS Ball. Giovanni had him killed, and she was left all alone. When Liz meets Mew, the psychic cat senses her pain and bonds with her, which is why he attacks the others so readily, especially since Ash is connected to the organization that led to him being betrayed and his entrapment. Mew is eventually subdued and put back into the GS Ball, which is kept by Giovanni.

So the question remains: how did Delia, Ash’s mom, come to know Giovanni? The answer is kind of a simple one in the way that girl meets bad boy and falls for him when she knows she shouldn’t. He was born the son of the leader of Team Rocket. He was always destined to lead the criminal organization, even though his relationship to his mother was strained at the least. He had no choice in what he was to become. When he was still an elite, he led many missions and was very successful. On one of these missions, he ran into one Delia Ketchum, who was currently a student of Professor Oak. His team had set up an operation to capture Pokémon in Viridian Forest, the place where Delia was conducting research. The team was to lure trainers into traps and steal their Pokémon. As a researcher, Delia didn’t really catch Pokémon, but like her son would someday be, she had a knack with them in gaining their trust, especially if she helped them when they needed it. Unfortunately, being young and still learning, Delia would become a victim of this trap. Unlike previous trainers, she was set on making sure the Pokémon they were stealing was safe so she climbed out of the hole she had fallen into, something no one else had done up to this point. Giovanni recognized this resolve, especially when she landed him in a flying tackle. Even when they tried to leave her behind, she followed the group until Giovanni couldn’t ignore her presence anymore, especially since his mother would be irritated with him if he allowed a stalker to breach headquarters. Instead, he offered her a chance to join the gang, which would allow her to ensure the Pokémon was safe. He also knew, due to her own outburst, that she was a student of the great Samuel Oak, which he figured would be useful. She agreed reluctantly, and thus began their courtship. She was gone for eight months, thought to be missing thanks to Team Rocket and not her own accord. During this time, she and Giovanni spent time together, enough for them to both develop feelings for the other.

At the end of the eight months, she ran away and left him without a word or explanation. Though hurt, he let her leave since he was recently put in charge of Team Rocket thanks to his mom, who was retiring. She went back to Pallet Town to Professor Oak, who let her stay with him for a bit because of her predicament. There was not a chance she was going to let her child grow up in Team Rocket, and she finally realized that there was nothing that would get Giovanni to abandon his plans, even the prospect of a family. Giovanni is never made aware of his child with her until much later on. Samuel helped Delia set up a life in Pallet where she could raise Ash, and the two got closer. Later on there is even the possibility of the two being romantically involved because of how much he cared about her and Ash and how he was there for so much.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Power of One

The first time I ever saw Pokemon 2000: The Power of One I was only 14.My mom dropped me off with two of my friends and brother. Initially it was another film where we got free cards with an admission ticket and it was Pokemon. The hopeless romantic I am saw and loved the Ash/Misty moments scattered through the whole thing, and I really wanted to see it again both because of that and because I wanted to recreate the fun of hanging out with my friends. We never did see it again in theaters. Maybe a week later we all got caught for sneaking out of the house. It was supposed to be our last time, and I was feeling so invincible. But then we saw his mom’s car. It was a collective ‘oh shit’ moment. He got sent off to New York for three weeks, taking the soundtrack for this movie with him. I found out from Jeanine a week after it happened. I confessed to my mom in Denny’s while we were on vacation in New Mexico, and I was pretty much off the hook. I tell you, that three weeks without him was hell. He wrote, and I wrote. I saved the letters. He had loads of fun, and I was alright. Life was life for the rest of the summer. Then when he came back he had gifts…but I digress (I still have that Bubbles keychain he bought me as well as the pictures he drew and sent).

Rewatching the movie brings back all of that as well as what the movie really means. Some guy disrupts the balance, and all hell breaks loose. It’s commentary on us humans. The Pokemon are all in tune with nature like our animals. They know when something is really wrong and want to fix it. The moral of that movie is that we humans have to live in harmony with nature and with Pokemon (animals). In the real world there is no chosen one who can fix everything by collecting treasures from three islands. The Deep Water Horizon that was leaking uncontrolled into the Gulf of Mexico for the last two and a half months is proof enough. We all need to be a part of the solution, whatever that is.

Still, I would gladly be that chosen one as naïve as that sounds.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ash and his father

In the series, rarely do any of the characters, main or secondary, have both parents explained. I’m not sure of what happened later on in the show, but the only ones who had an explanation for both were Brock and May and Max. Back when Pokemon was still climbing its way to the top, there was a live musical special that introduced the idea of Ash’s mom Delia dating the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni. My friend and I chose to run with that, making Ash’s father secretly Giovanni. We were not the only ones to think this way as evidenced by the stories I have found online, but our take is important to our stories.

The third movie established Delia as a former student of Professor Samuel Oak, and the live special (though not canon with the anime) established that she and Gio used to date. In the past, while she was a student, she got caught up with the mafia-like organization of Team Rocket. It is canon that Giovanni’s mother ran Team Rocket (Madame Boss) and that Jessie’s mother, Miyamoto, vanished while on a mission for her. He simply took over because he really had no choice thanks to his upbringing. Somehow he and Delia met and dated. At first she denied that the organization was as evil as it was, but when she finally allowed herself to see the truth, she was already in too deep. Giovanni was not a physically abusive person towards her or his Pokemon really (maybe emotionally but not hitting). It got to a point where she could not take that life anymore, so she ran away from him and that life. What she doesn’t tell him when she does (because she is unaware herself) is that she is carrying their child. She goes back to Pallet, to her teacher and mentor and stays in that town, where she opens a restaurant and raises her son Ash. This is why Oak is always around and is close to Delia.

When Ash is ten, he sets out on his own journey. Along the way he meets many friends, most importantly Misty. Our series splits off at the end of the Orange Island saga when he returns home to Pallet. His life changes after this, and when he is 16, after a 5 year absence, he destroys Team Rocket as it is known, destroying what his (unknown) father worked so hard to maintain. By this time he has found out that Ash is his son and plans to destroy the boy despite this. Then he is approached by a man named Neo who claims that if Ash is put under the right conditions and grows up, he will build an even more evil empire than his father. He will be unbeatable due to his pure skill and the fact he has his love and friends close by his side. Giovanni works with Neo, which ends up with Ash, Misty, and Tracey in Hyrule on a whole new adventure. Giovanni goes along because he is convinced that Ash will turn to the dark side some time during his journey, which never happens.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promises

There’s a darkness upon me that’s flooded in light
In the fine print they tell me what’s wrong and what’s right
And it comes in black and it comes in white
And I’m frightened by those that don’t see it

When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it

There was a dream and one day I could see it
Like a bird in a cage I broke in and demanded that somebody free it
And there was a kid with a head full of doubt
So I’ll scream til I die and the last of those bad thoughts are finally out

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summaries (spoiler alert)

Summaries: GSD and LIH

GSD: Ash, Misty, and Tracey return from the Orange Islands after Ash has won the league, GS Ball in hand. Gary shows up and challenges Ash but leaves just as suddenly due to a mysterious call. Right after delivering it to Prof. Oak, Team Rocket steals it. Almost as quickly does the gang get it back, and they also find out Mew is inside. They finally deliver it to be studied, and Tracey gets to help. Ash and Misty walk around for a little bit, and a new girl, Liz, shows up. She asks for Ash to go out with her, which he consents to. While on said date, she uses mysterious powers to get Ash to kiss her, which angers Misty. When the truth comes to light, she is actually a girl whose father spoke out against Giovanni cloning Mew. Why does she want Ash? Giovanni is his father. When he fails to fall for her, even under a spell, she becomes bent on hurting him and his friends. The final confrontation leads to Ash going missing, presumed dead. Misty and Tracey end up in the hospital, and it ends on them finding out Ash is gone.

GSDII: The basic gist is that Tracey and Misty find out Ash has been kidnapped and brainwashed by Team Rocket and Giovanni five years after his disappearance. His new life consists of pulling off missions with his team, including girlfriend Elizabeth (Liz). They save him, and he destroys the gang once and for all (or so they think). Giovanni comes back and tries to get revenge on his son, but it ends with Ash winning the day again with the help of his friends though Giovanni escapes. It ends with Tracey meeting a girl and Ash and Misty going on a quasi-date. From the bushes someone watches them, plotting something for our hero Ash.

GSDIII: Ash and the gang start out again on a Pokemon quest as Ash needs to earn all of his badges again since his were lost during his five year absence. On the way, in Viridian Forest, Ash discovers a legend of another land. After some weird dreams and experiences, Ash, Misty, and Tracey end up in Hyrule as ten year olds. Zoe gets left behind in their world. They run into Link. The plans Neo and Giovanni set in motion start to unfold in a new saga.

LIH: This whole story is just a vision of Twinrova when they want to know what would happen if the new trio were to aid Link. Link does pull the Master Sword and go into the future, but when they all reawaken, they have been separated. Ganondorf tells Ash and James that Link killed their friends and pits everyone against each other. They eventually find out the truth and defeat Ganondorf together. The dream ends with them being sent back in time and Ash and Co. going home. Twinrova then knows they cannot allow the four to meet.

LIHII: Despite Twinrova’s attempts to keep them out of Hyrule, the villain working with Giovanni (later to be named Neo but not the one from the Matrix) manages to send them all to Hyrule. They meet Link as he is on the way to the Temple of Time. Along with Team Rocket, they all end up being trapped for seven years with Link in the Temple of Light. Though surprised to see the trainers, Sheik has no choice but to enlist their help. At first Ash is reluctant because he wants to get home and continue on his journey, but soon enough he comes to realize this, too, is important. They basically go through the plot of Ocarina of Time and defeat Ganondorf, allowing the Sages to seal him away. When Zelda tries to send them all back in time, she fails in creating two timelines, one where they can have those seven years back. Instead, everything resets, and Ganondorf is still free. Link and Zelda warn the current Sages, and they banish Ganonodorf with little trouble, similar to the backstory of Twilight Princess. Ash and the gang are supposedly sent home.

LIHIII: This is a weird and very violent dream that Link has during the time he is asleep in the Temple of Light.

AHS: Link goes to Termina to look for Navi while Ash, Misty, and Tracey are captured and remain in stasis by Neo because he wants them for later. He ends up being trapped (thanks to an unknown force, later revealed to be Judas). While there, he stays on Romani Ranch with the sisters and falls in love with Romani while becoming good friends with Kafei, Anju, and Cremia. He basically gets his life back, but a traveler from the future along with Zelda and the mysterious Exzavier push to get him to go back to Hyrule. He does this, thinking that Exzavier is a threat. He is given memories of saving Termina, but fake ones take over after that of him going through other lands thanks to Zelda for her selfish desire to keep him form returning eventually to his new family and friends. He reunites with Malon, keeping his promise to return her horse.

LIHIV: Neo lets the Pokemon trainers out of stasis with fake memories, and they roam Hyrule again still lost. Link is then “killed” by Neo, which is just an illusion. Malon is so distraught because she has lost Link again after finally getting him back that she kills herself. Ash, Misty, Tracey, and Mondo go into the future, where Link is alive and where they meet Exzavier (he lets them face his father in hopes they will defeat him because he is still fighting against his dark side). They also meet Erika, Sabrina, Stormy Rain, and Zoe, Tracey's girlfriend from home. Ganondorf dies along with Sabrina from Pokemon, whom Exzavier fell in love with. He thus vows to kill them all and gives in to his dark side. They go back to the past and have a party, where Link finds Malon is dead. Neo appears and wants Ash to join him. When he refuses, he kills Misty.

LIHV: They all go on a mission to bring back Malon and Misty, and they end up having to save Ash as well. They meet Maximus from Gladiator, Stormy Rain, and Krystle. Team Rocket finally appears again, this time married for some reason. They manage to save everyone at the end, and the Pokemon people go home so Ash can finish his journey. However, they remember everything. Ash and Misty finally get together (for reals this time). Link moves into the ranch but keeps his treehouse.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Strange Condition

At the end of Wind Waker, it is revealed that Ganon wanted power in order to help his people. He despised the Hylians for having a nice place to live and ways to lead good lives. His people lived in a desert with few ways to prosper hence their lives of crime. In the beginning Ganon was not even a bad guy himself, especially when he was a kid and then young man. Twinrova always saw in him a way to gain power. They say in-game that they are roughly 400 years old, which means they have seen at least three kings come and go. Each one presumably led the Gerudo people in the same ways of life they had always known, never really seeking out to expand their power or territory. From an early age, Ganon knew he was to become king eventually. He hated the way his people were forced to live but could do nothing about it quite yet. This is how he started off merely wanting to help his people. The sisters saw this desire for power within him and used it to their advantage to gain power themselves. They used him basically, which he never fully figured out. He also grew up with Nabooru, and the two eventually were close up until she betrayed him. He became convinced by Twinrova that the key to gaining the power he needed to help his people laid in obtaining the Triforce, something they had had their eyes on for some time.

Why was it so easy to convince him? Ganon helped the King of Hyrule during the civil war when he was still a teen and newly crowned king. At the end of the war, the Gerudos were still left to their home in the desert while Hyrule prospered. This angered the young man, who thought that helping the king might have gained his people better circumstances. This is when the sisters sweep in with their plan. If he can obtain the Triforce, then he will have all the power he needs to take over the world and put the king and all of the Hylians in their place as well as anyone who opposes him. He takes the bait. This new distorted view he has is still rooted in his desire to help his people. Between then and the beginning of Ocarina of Time this quest for power changes him into the man Nabooru comes to despise and plot against. Any connection the two have is broken when it becomes clear that he chooses his quest for power and Twinrova (whom she always hated) over her, and this leads to her plotting to take him and his followers down. He goes against the rules she, him, and others followed by taking from the weak. Eventually while brainwashed she will do the same. The sisters are alerted to her plans (they never liked her either, especially her influence on Ganon and thus watched her closely) and tell him. In outrage, he commands them to take her prisoner (scene after Link gets the Silver Gauntlets). It is their idea to brainwash her, and he agrees because of his anger.

Seven years go by while Link is asleep in the Temple of Light. During this time, Ganon is able to take over Hyrule and make it into ruins to symbolize the conditions his people have always endured. By this time, the power and his hatred have all but consumed his total being. The sisters want him to expand his empire, but he is reluctant, fine with ruling over the destroyed land of Hyrule. Still, they want more. They know of a legend quietly passed down that speaks of an even larger, bloodier war that took place between not just the races of Hyrule but different worlds. They know of a man who lives in a temple on an island, unable to leave for he is bound there. They know of the fabled Chosen Ones who will be destined to defeat that man and stop the coming of the Most Evil One. And they know that any child of the King of Evil would be able to keep those things from happening, allowing them to expand not just throughout the world where Hyrule is but to all of the other worlds as well. They come up with a new plan, one that involves finding the right female to have the King’s heir. Like their plans for domination, this is kept secret from him as well. While they hate to admit it, they know that the only one Ganon would even consider as a partner is his old friend and first love, the one they have under mind control carrying out raids that would make even the hardened Ganon double-take at. So they let her out of mind control sometimes and have the two of them spend time together in hopes of them somehow reconnecting. It takes a while for this to happen, and Ganon is fine with the arrangement, even though she is left in the dark about her actions and why her own people have this new kind of respect and fear around her.

Eventually the sisters get what they want when the two have a son, Exzavier., which is a surprise to all since only one male is to be born every 100 years. The reason, though unknown to everyone at the time, is because of her latent Sage powers. His new family softens Ganon if only a little bit, which the sisters do not like. Again they tell him that Nabooru is planning on rebelling against him (by this point he has ordered them not to place her under mind control any longer) and taking their son where he will never see them again. This is more outraging than the previous time because he had let himself soften up by giving her a second chance to be loyal to him and by forming an attachment to their child. This is the point at which the sisters turn her into the Iron Knuckle that Link later defeats. When Ganon is ultimately defeated by Link and the Sages, the sisters panic and send Exzavier 1000 years into the future where he will be safe. He grows up there with his father, who had escaped the imprisonment that happened in the reset past (kind of confusing). He despises his dad, not knowing the whole story about his parents. He also despises being taken away from his mother, which is a motive when he returns to the reset past. Unfortunately, this causes the timelines to split. His future and the future of the world he is visiting are now different. He stays in Gerudo Valley as the king to make things better for them the way his father originally wanted to.

During this time, Link is gone for seven years. Only he and Zelda have any memories about what happened in the future, and neither knows about Exzavier. The prince (Ganon is still recognized as the king, and Ex proves he is his son) wants to make sure that the dark future he comes from doesn’t happen. Sadly, Link is stuck in Termina. Even his power cannot reopen the portals, which were sealed by Judas to prevent Link from ever being able to meet the Chosen Ones as well as keep all of the beings who will fight in the war from coming to Hyrule. He ends up working with Zelda in secret, which even she does not like as she does not trust him. Link eventually returns to Hyrule. Exzavier even lets it slip about who his mother is. The Golden Goddesses can foresee that the adult Exazvier will be lost to his rage and power and eventually be destroyed. But they also see that if he were born again in this reset timeline, he would be an ally for good having been raised by his mother, who eventually leads the whole Gerudo tribe in place of its lost king. They allow the memories that were erased to be returned to her, and the two have a sort of weird reunion. When he returns to his future after Link comes home to Hyrule, she comes up with her plan on getting him back. This leads to a visit to Ganon in the void between realms, where he agrees because he sees their future son as a way for him to eventually escape. Also, part of him still cares for her, even after her betrayal. He is unaware of the future events that took place. Exzavier is born again shortly before the events of the Crossover begin.